knowing I cannot be the person I would like to be unless Abba helps me to be, so I will have coffee with Him.

Sabiendo que no puedo ser la persona que quiero ser a menos que Abba me ayude a ser, por eso me siento a tomar un café con Él

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am again in the painful process of writing my second essay for my English class. Every time I start this process my mind has to re-think. I say "re-think" because I love to write....but in in order to write good essays I have to think and think again until I get some words pushing out from the deepest part of my brain, trying so hard to come out, pushing away all the brain tissue so they can jump into the flow of the ink. This process gets me tired because I can spend hours and my pen will not move at all!!! The ink dries out and my mind gets closed up. I don't know why I have so much trouble being able to write.....Please can somebody help me!!! because if I could only say:
La palabra es el instrumento de las ideas transportadas hacia un infinito nuevo de frases. Unas cortas otras profundas. Palabras que van mas alla de nuestro cuerpo, más alla del mover continuo de la mano que hacen que las letras se formen con el color negro de la tinta. Escribir es el espacio de lo que no podemos ver pero que dibujamos en medio de nuestra mente. Dibujos que reviven al tocar la hoja y llegan a convertirse en palabras, que al unirse hacen historias e historia. La historia de una vida......historias de una vida llena de palabras..
(sorry if you can not understand!!!)

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