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knowing I cannot be the person I would like to be unless Abba helps me to be, so I will have coffee with Him.
Sabiendo que no puedo ser la persona que quiero ser a menos que Abba me ayude a ser, por eso me siento a tomar un café con Él
Searching for the aroma
"Our goal should be able to get people to 'this' point, right now in this coffeehouse" This statement was shared to me while having a morning coffee. What was the point he was talking about? To a place where we can be ourselves, open to share our fears, our doubts about God and people, our questions. A place where we can have coffee knowing that we don't have to pretend we are more spiritual than the other person, or we know more about 'The Word'. How can I brake the gap between the newer generations? How can I show myself more real, more human, more me?
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