knowing I cannot be the person I would like to be unless Abba helps me to be, so I will have coffee with Him.

Sabiendo que no puedo ser la persona que quiero ser a menos que Abba me ayude a ser, por eso me siento a tomar un café con Él

Monday, March 17, 2008

September 23, 2007

This is an older post I wanted to share with you. I posted it on Uncomplicated Spirituality but it is really hard to maintain two blogs so I stopped writing on it. I will be changing the post over here so you can read them also.

After many years today the congregation we started was recognized as a “fellowship”. What exactly is that? I asked myself, I thought we were a Missional congregation. So I would like to ask: What is to be recognized as a fellowship? I though we were already a fellowship. May be I have never understood the meaning of fellowship. Have you? We have always tried to institutionalize everything we do. If we start something we want to call it “a ministry”. If we write a song, we want it to be copyright so we can tell the world it belongs to us. Now the church has many last names, some are communities, fellowships, churches, congregations, faith communities, etc. And depending on the last name is the way we act in our community. If we are a “Church” we are the religious one; if we are a “Community” we are the cool ones; if we are a “fellowship” we are the “I don’t know what is that but it sounds good” ones; if we are a “faith community” we are a group of people, does it really matter? I thought a person is what makes church not if we are fellowship, community, gathering. What if we can recognized as Messy People and have a certificate hang on the wall saying “……the blah, blah, blah Institution certifies on September 23rd that this group of people are officially recognized as Messy People trying to find God.” Isn’t this more important that to be recognized as wherever they want you to be? Please help me to understand why there are so many last names on the word Church….

Después de muchos años, la congregación que empezamos fue reconocida como una “comunidad”. ¿Qué significa exactamente eso?, yo pensé que nos había reconocido como una comunidad misional. Así que yo me pregunto, ¿Qué significa exactamente ser reconocido como comunidad? Pensé que ya éramos una comunidad. Posiblemente nunca he entendido el significado de comunidad. ¿Tú lo entiendes? Siempre hemos tratado de institucionalizar todo lo que hacemos. Si empezamos algo lo queremos llamar “ministerio”. Si escribimos una canción queremos registrarla para decirle a todo el mundo que es nuestra. La iglesia en si tiene muchos apellidos, algunos se dicen comunidades, congregaciones, iglesias, comunidades de fe, etc. Y dependiendo del apellido es la manera en la que actúan en la comunidad. Si somos una “iglesia”, entonces somos los religiosos. Si somos una “comunidad” somos los abiertos. Si somos una “comunidad de fe” somos un grupo de personas. ¿En verdad importa? Yo pensé que lo que hace a la iglesia es la gente no si somos una congregación, una comunidad, una reunión. ¿Qué tal si nos reconocemos como gente quebrantada y que podamos tener un certificado en la pared que diga, “La institución patito certifica que en Septiembre 23 este grupo de gente ha sido oficialmente reconocidos como gente quebrantada tratando de buscar a Dios”. ¿No creen que esto es más importante que ser reconocido como lo que quieran llamarte? Por favor ayúdenme a entender porque hay tantos apellidos en la palabra Iglesia….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DJ Says:
September 24, 2007 at 1:39 am

Now you know exactly where I’ve been coming from for a long time.
Loved it. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing you and Paula soon.

We are very lucky to have you in our community.

One of the messy ones,
